Monday, October 26, 2009


Begitu lama ukhuwah kita bertaut atas jalan ini
Sejak bila, pertemuan pertama, dimanapun sudah kabur di ingatan
Sekian lama ikatan kasih ini terjalin
Sekian lama jugalah aku memendam rasa
Agar kita meniti jalan yang sama, jalan yang panjang penuh cabaran
Begitu banyak kini yang kita raih
Begitu banyak jualah yang masih kita tagih
Impian kita akan sentiasa tinggi
Sebagaimana tingginya hakikat keimanan yang haq itu
Impian kita akan sentiasa kita perjuangkan
Sebagaimana tekadnya sang pejuang qital memburu syahid
Impian kita akan sentiasa kita kongsikan
Sebagaimana kita berkongsi makan diwaktu kepayahan
Ayuh kita layangkan pandangan pada impian ini
Tataplah sinar kejayaan yang pasti itu dengan semangat membara
Agar kita bina halatuju ini kepadanya
Yakinlah ia ada dihujung jalan
Suatu jalan yang panjang, payah dan sukar memang pasti
Menuntut kualiti yang bukan calang-calang
Memerah keringat yang tidakkan terdaya
Begitu banyak lompong hari semalam
Apakah kita layak untuk sekalipun duduk atas jalan ini?
Izzahlah dengan apa yang kita kerjakan!
Moga lompong semalam kita isi di waktu mendatang
kerana tiada lompong atas muka bumi melainkan ia akan segera diisi semula
baik dari tanah mahupun sekujur tubuh manusia
Tika jasad-jasad kita tidak lagi bersua
Tika suara kita tidak lagi saling berbicara
Tika ruh kita menghadap yang maha Esa
Menuntut belas kasih dan rahmanNya
“Ya Allah..aku telah meniti jalan keredhaanMu”
Mampukah kita ucapkan yang sedemikian?
Redhakah kita atas apa yang telah kita kerjakan?
Sahabat, Inilah jalannya
Thabatlah, kerana tiada lagi jalan yang lain

Qayyim Hafidzi

27 Oktober 2009
Darul Khair, no. 30 jln 8/13, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
UNITEN, final exam week, 1st semester final year 2009

Jalan dakwah ni, bukannya jalan baru..kita sebenarnya meniti jalan-jalan yang telah pun di'pave'kan oleh para rasul2 dan golongan solihin. tapi kalau taknak ikut atau bersungguh dan teliti, macam nilah jadinya.

perkongsian dari

ditujukan khas buat sahabat; Syafizal, Azzizi, Luqman Pathi, Luqman A.Halim, Airil, Jaffreen

Friday, October 23, 2009

Catatan Permusafiran Perubatan Abi


setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran dipanjatkan kepada Allah, atas kasih dan sayangNya, Dia melimpahkan kami sekeluarga nikmat ukhuwah islamiyah. untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini berkenaan perubatan Dr. Hafidzi (ayahanda kami), para pengunjung bolehlah terus melayari portal Catatan Perubatan Dr Hafidzi.

anda boleh sama ada terus ke link ataupun clik di link yang telah disediakan di atas.


Qayyim Hafidzi (013-3266832 /

p/s: untuk berurusan dengan keluarga kami, buat sementara waktu, bolehlah menghubungi saya di nombor dan email di atas. untuk urusan pembelian madu Tualang Dr. Hafidzi pun sama..

petikan daripada

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Saat Jiwa Rasa Berat

kadang-kadang bila semua yang berlaku hari tu, semuanya tak kena...

jiwa kita mula rasa 'down', terkenang kembali pengorbanan-pengorbanan sepanjang kenal dakwah & tarbiyah ni..hati terasa sangat mahu dekat dengan Allah, tapi terasa juga jauh dari nikmatnya.

sahabat aku  pesan:

"ambil wuduk, bukak aircond..baca quran"

ya Allah, bangunkan aku esok dengan semangat baru!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


History has stated that without the invention of the tire, people today would not have known about cars. So the tire was the key design to the development of the car and other transport medium we know today. But that’s centuries back.

Today, the car has become a little bit more sophisticated and more vulnerable. This is talking from the maintenance point of view since a car now doesn’t only needs it tires to be checked regularly, but also its engine and other machines that’ll make the car work or at least gets it going. Even the smallest of parts under the hood is as important as the engine itself.

So, yesterday I went to service my car at a nearby workshop. Usually I’d head to proton service center, but didn’t have the time and money, so decided just to have my lubricant serviced. Before that, the night before, my car got overheated on my way to UNITEN for my EMS test. The day before that, GG took the car to Putrajaya for his rowing practice, and the aircond suddenly wasn’t cooling anymore. I actually thought it was due to the aircond gas, but since the car suddenly suffered from abrupt turning off, I got the sense there was something wrong with the engine. The lubricant is almost dried up. That should be the cause. (It’s been almost 3 month since my last service, plus with the broken mileage meter, I had no idea when to service the car..was planning to do it after my finals which is mid November)

Forced to get things fixed, I took the car to the workshop. There. Only that I knew my water pump was leaking. That was the cause to my over heated engine. Solution:

1. Get it replaced for RM140 (pump) + RM20 (labor)
2. Frequently fill the radiator with water..Before leaving the house or after a long parking period.

And I took the later.

Don’t know how long I can stand this routine, but eventually will have to replace the pump after all.

The water pump. It’s not the main component of the car, but has a big side effect if it’s broken. Closely related to the performance of the car’s engine and the coolness of the aircond blow. So how could we related this to life?

If the engine is analogically the man’s heart (jantung), then the water pump could be the human’s respiratory/sweating system. Insignificant compared to the role the heart is playing. But if our sweating system doesn’t functions as it should, that’ll cause other problems which will sooner or later burden the heart itself. 

If the engine is the heart (hati), then I could say that the water pump could be the good deeds we do. How is that logically put together? The heart would be the main host for our true aqidah and iman. The main core to be truly a servant of Allah. Thus the good deeds (amal) are insignificant compared to the core matter. (understanding that the minimum requirement for jannah is the syahadah). But does this neglect the significant relationship of our deeds and our aqidah? No. With the true aqidah, one must still perform ibadah and instill good deeds (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar) because it’s the testimony of what we believe in. trying to increase the quality of our ibadah, is just likely to be similar to servicing our car so that the engine runs smoothly. If our deeds are not good enough, then be prepared that our engine (aqidah) will face troublesome times. Thus always service ourselves for that smooth ride.

But do bear in mind. If the core is suffering from certain malfunction, then it is our priority to aid that first. Just like the car, if both the engine and the water pump needs repair, we’d probably and logically opt to repair the engine first. Basic priority problem here. As for us, if all our body is suffering from various disease, we would cure the heart first compared to others.

Thus having the right aqidah is a priority. Compared to the other matters of this deen, the ummah’s aqidah is top priority. But do we see that our ummah now has the right aqidah set in their lives? Is the ummah’s engine running fine?

We’re not moving brothers and sisters. The car engine is dead!

To revive it will constitute our time, our effort, our belongings..our lives.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا هَلْ أَدُلُّكُمْ عَلَى تِجَارَةٍ تُنجِيكُم مِّنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ

تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَتُجَاهِدُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَأَنفُسِكُمْ ذَلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ

[as-Saff 61:10] O you who believe! shall I lead you to a merchandise which may deliver you from a painful chastisement?

[as-Saff 61:11] You shall believe in Allah and His Apostle, and struggle hard in Allah's way with your property and your lives; that is better for you, did you but know!


broQ: updates on Abi (Dr. Hafidzi. Mohd Noor)

1. alhamdulillah, kesihatan abi makin baik berbanding sebelum ramadhan. mungkin berkat doa ikhwah/akhawat semua. jzkk ana ucapkan atas keperihatinan antum semua. berbanding dengan ramadhan2 sebelum ini, sejak abi mula dialisis, puasa ramadhan kali ni alhamdulillah dapat penuh.

2. sumbangan kewangan yang di initiate kan oleh jamaah, telahpun sampai sasarannya. dan sampai ke hari ini, setelah tabung ditutup, kami masih menerima sumbangan terus secara peribadi. sekali lagi ana ucapkan jzkk. moga Allah menggantikan apa yang antum infakkan dengan yang lebih baik. dan moga apa yang diberikan itu ada manfaat dan keberkatannya dalam usaha menyembuhkan keadaan abi.

3. insyaAllah abi akan ke cina untuk transplant dalam pertengahan november. belum pasti siapa yang akan temankan abi sepanjang proses perubatan disana. pada awalnya, plan nak buat pertengahan oktober ini, tapi kerana urusan kerja dan keluarga, dilewatkan sedikit.

4. abi masih menjalani proses dialisis seperti biasa. every isnin, rabu dan jumaat petang (3pm-7pm). sepanjang ramadhan hingga kini, abi lebih selesa memandi ke pusat dialisis sendiri. kadang-kadang kami adik beradik akan hantarkan (mana yang ada di rumah). tapi nampaklah, kesihatan abi lebih baik berbanding sebelum ini.

5. sekali lagi ana ucapkan jzkk pada semua yang menyumbang baik dari kewangan, doa, support dan sebagainya. moga Allah mengganjari jasa antum pada kami sekeluarga dengan jannah firdaus. tanggungjawab antum sudah selesai, ana, adik2 dan umi akan teruskan tanggungjawab kami untuk jaga abi sebaik mungkin. kami sedar, abi bukan milik kami sendirian...tapi milik ummah seluruhnya.